Mexican Salad with Honey-Lime Dressing

Mexican Salad

Happy New Year to all of my readers!  In April I will celebrate my 5th year of blogging.  I have been enjoying it and have met wonderful bloggers from all around the World.  I have learned so much from everyone.  I have found new recipes that have become family favorites.

Have you taken any resolutions this year?  I want to try more new recipes this year.  Also would love to take a photography course.  Travel more, read more, enjoy more time with my family.

One resolution that I never made was to diet.  I love food too much.  I did do Weight Watchers in 1992, after my second son was born.  During my pregnancy I had gained 40 pounds.  I lost the weight in 6 months doing Weight Watchers.  I have to say that it was an eye opener.  I had never diet before and always ate what I wanted, and tons of it without gaining much weight.  After my 3rd son was born I was well aware of what to eat not to gain weight.  I learned about portion control.  Since I love to eat I needed to find a way to still eat lot's of food without gaining weight again.  This is when I read a book called The Volumetrics Eating Plan by Barbara Rolls.  It was another eye opener.  I finally found a way to control my eating habits by eating more.  I know this does not sound right but it is simple, I eat a lot of good food.  My plate is full and I feel satisfied when I am done eating.  I also love chocolates and eat it everyday.  A small square of a good quality dark chocolate with satisfy my cravings.

If you want to adopt the volumetrics eating plan this salad is a good start.  I mixed, in a large bowl, black beans, corn, cilantro and garlic.  I added an assortment of Gourmet Medley tomatoes that came in purple, yellow, orange and red.  Poured over a honey-lime dressing and marinated the salad for 30 minutes to give lot's of flavors.  Serve the salad on a bed of lettuce.